Spring Cleaning Made Easy!
Tires off the Rim; Oil, Propane Tanks & Car Batteries; Oil-based Paints*, Fertilizer & Chemicals; Boats, Snowmobiles & Wave Runners; Tree Stumps & Brush; Refrigerators & Stoves; Furniture & Swing Sets; Carpeting & Scrap Building Materials; Treadmills, TVs, Computers; + Other Junk!
Bring your unwanted and bulk or hazardous items to Browne's Field to properly dispose of them. Any item(s) that you can't put curbside for regular garbage pickup will be evaluated and handled by the Clay Township fire department. Latex paint is not accepted because it can be dried out and included with your regular garbage pickup.
A massive burn pile will be managed by the fire department along with dumpsters for your other items.
This is a cost-free event sponsored by Clay Township and held at Browne's Field every year.
It's a great way to kick off the season by cleaning out your shed, garage, boathouse and your yard while having a convenient and safe location to dispose of unwanted items.
*Latex paint can be dried up and included with your regular garbage. Remove the lid and let it dry out or put sand or cat litter in it.