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Ice Jam Preparedness Checklist

January 06, 2021 8:48 AM | Anonymous

Now is the time to revisit your personal emergency preparedness plans for the upcoming "ice season."

In the past, the Island has seen closures that have lasted several days or longer, depending on the ice conditions and Coast Guard activity in the area.

Taking responsibility for ourselves and having a viable plan in place will go a long way in making an inconvenient situation a much more tolerable one. Hope for the best; plan for the worst!

Below is a list of suggestions compiled by some of our most experienced “veterans” of ice jams. We hope it helps you establish your own plan.

WORK/SCHOOL EQUIPMENT: If you work from home and there is high risk of an ice jam, take your computer with you going off island so you can keep working.  And don't forget your battery and chargers.

OVERNIGHT BAG: keep an overnight bag in your car at all times if leaving the Island for more than a few hours. Be sure to include medications if possible.

FOOD: keep enough food in the house to last at least one week, and don’t forget pet foods.

MEDICATIONS: be diligent with keeping refills current for everyone in the household.

HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES: keep extra stock of laundry supplies, toilet paper, and other frequently used household items.

LODGING: make alternate plans in advance for the mainland – friend/relative/hotel.

DEPENDENTS: have a backup plan in place for caring for dependents, pets, and even your home should your return to the Island be delayed, or plans for the mainland if you get stuck on the Island and separated from them.

FUEL: make a habit of filling up your vehicle before returning to the Island, and have enough fuel for your generator, snow removal equipment, etc. available for immediate use.

EQUIPMENT: make sure your generator, snow removal equipment, etc. is tuned up and ready to run.

NON-RESCHEDULABLE APPOINTMENTS: if you have an upcoming vacation, medical procedure, meeting, etc. that you absolutely must attend, get off the Island when you can and wait it out at a friend/relative’s house or at a hotel. If you wait and assume the ferry will be running the day you are scheduled to leave, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise.

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