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Scholarships for Graduating Islanders

March 15, 2022 4:00 PM | Anonymous

Applications are now being accepted!

It's that time of year again when students are thinking about life after high school and parents are thinking of the new expenses that college may bring!  So, we're pleased to announce that applications for the Harsen's Island St. Clair Flats Association's Orlo McLane Scholarship are now being accepted!

Please complete the application provided by Algonac High School and return it to Susan Bryson at the HISCFA address provided below. You do not need to attend Algonac High School to be considered.  This opportunity is open to any high school senior living on Harsen's Island.  

In addition to HISCFA's scholarship, there are scholarship opportunities available from four other Island organizations:

  • Harsen's Island Lions
  • Lioness Club
  • Harsen's Island Garden Club
  • St. Paul's Church, The Walter Skula Memorial Matching Funds

Our Island organizations have donated thousands of dollars over the years in support of our young people on the Island. We'd love to hear updates from any past graduates.  And if they're graduating from college or other programs, let us know and we'll be happy to announce it in the next issue of The Delta News

Seniors, congratulations on your upcoming graduation and best wishes for your next adventure!

Congratulations Christian!

Christian NeumannLast year Christian Neumann earned the Association's 2021 scholarship. Christian graduated from Algonac High School on June 11, 2021.  He's the son of Jim and Laura Neumann of Algonac and Harsen's Island.  

Christian graduated in the top 11 students of his class and was a member of the National Honor Society.  He was awarded HISCFA's Orlo McLane Scholarship for his outstanding academic performance.  Christian had plans to continue his education at the Central Michigan University.

For the Harsen's Island St. Clair Flats (HISCFA) Scholarship:
Send completed application to Susan at the address below.

Harsen's Island St. Clair Flats Association
Attn: Susan Bryson
P.O. Box 17
Harsen's Island, MI 48028
Note: You do not need to attend Algonac High School to be considered.

For any questions or guidance on scholarships:
Algonac High School
Emily C. Tenniswood
College Adviser | MSUCAC
Algonac Jr/Sr High School
(810) 794-4911 ext. 1272

Here's the application:
Harsens Island Scholarship Application for Algonac High School

Contacts for other scholarship opportunities:
Email contact for the Garden Club Scholarship
Email contact for the Lioness Lions Scholarship

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