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News & Comments

A brief roundup of news and updates for HISCFA members.  Your comments are welcomed but if you have any questions it's best to email one of the board members for a more timely response.

  • February 03, 2021 1:20 PM | Anonymous

    While the warmer temps and sunshine are lovely they are unfortunately prohibiting the establishment of a safely navigable path. They are going to let the ice refreeze tonight then try again tomorrow.

    Update from NOON 2/3/2021:

    Dear Harsen’s Island residents,

    Based on a discussion with our Township Supervisor at noon Wednesday 2/3/2021, the following is the current status of the ice flow and ferry situation:

    The ferry is expected to begin runs at approximately 3pm or 4pm, based on continued favorable weather conditions. During the overnight hours the ferry WILL NOT RUN. The ice has currently stopped flowing, which aids in cutting a channel for the ferry to run.

    The water level has gone down approximately one foot overnight on the North Channel near the ferry.

    For medical emergencies, please dial 911.

    The Fire Department is currently running their airboat (launching from the public boat launch near Harbor Club Marina), to transport between mainland and the Island. If an extreme emergency need arises, an airlift helicopter will be called into service.

    The Fire Department airboat has made runs earlier this morning, to deliver mail and other necessities.

    Later in the week, the weather is supposed to turn very cold and windy, along with precipitation, including rain turning to snow.

    Please plan accordingly; further updates will follow based on ice condition changes, ferry schedules, and developing weather patterns.


    Craig A. Baloga

    President - HISCFA

  • January 06, 2021 8:48 AM | Anonymous

    Now is the time to revisit your personal emergency preparedness plans for the upcoming "ice season."

    In the past, the Island has seen closures that have lasted several days or longer, depending on the ice conditions and Coast Guard activity in the area.

    Taking responsibility for ourselves and having a viable plan in place will go a long way in making an inconvenient situation a much more tolerable one. Hope for the best; plan for the worst!

    Below is a list of suggestions compiled by some of our most experienced “veterans” of ice jams. We hope it helps you establish your own plan.

    WORK/SCHOOL EQUIPMENT: If you work from home and there is high risk of an ice jam, take your computer with you going off island so you can keep working.  And don't forget your battery and chargers.

    OVERNIGHT BAG: keep an overnight bag in your car at all times if leaving the Island for more than a few hours. Be sure to include medications if possible.

    FOOD: keep enough food in the house to last at least one week, and don’t forget pet foods.

    MEDICATIONS: be diligent with keeping refills current for everyone in the household.

    HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES: keep extra stock of laundry supplies, toilet paper, and other frequently used household items.

    LODGING: make alternate plans in advance for the mainland – friend/relative/hotel.

    DEPENDENTS: have a backup plan in place for caring for dependents, pets, and even your home should your return to the Island be delayed, or plans for the mainland if you get stuck on the Island and separated from them.

    FUEL: make a habit of filling up your vehicle before returning to the Island, and have enough fuel for your generator, snow removal equipment, etc. available for immediate use.

    EQUIPMENT: make sure your generator, snow removal equipment, etc. is tuned up and ready to run.

    NON-RESCHEDULABLE APPOINTMENTS: if you have an upcoming vacation, medical procedure, meeting, etc. that you absolutely must attend, get off the Island when you can and wait it out at a friend/relative’s house or at a hotel. If you wait and assume the ferry will be running the day you are scheduled to leave, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise.

  • December 05, 2020 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    The Harsen's Island St. Clair Flat's Association board does not meet in December. 

    The HISCFA board meets every second Saturday of the month at the Harsen’s Island Lions Hall. Meetings start at 9:00 a.m. May through November, and at 9:30 a.m. January through April.

    Members and non-members are always welcome to attend.

  • October 14, 2020 12:11 AM | Anonymous

    It's that time of year again where we need to winterize the water stations. This means that the Bates Cut water station will be closed on November 1, and will re-open some time in the Spring. And the exterior valves at the North Channel water station will be shut off. Please read the sign on the door at the North Channel water station for instructions on accessing water throughout the winter months.

    Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for any inconvenience.

  • September 12, 2020 4:00 PM | Anonymous

    Raffle ticket winners were drawn at the Music in the Park event at Browne’s Field on Harsen’s Island, Saturday September 12, at 7:00 pm. 

    1st prize ($750): Ruth Roth
    2nd prize ($300): Jeff Radjewski
    3rd prize (YETI cooler): E.J. McKnight

    Watch the video of the winners being drawn:

    Thank you to everyone for your continued support of the Harsen's Island St. Clair Flats Association!  If you aren't a member yet, please consider joining HISCFA today.

  • August 01, 2020 12:42 PM | Anonymous

    Due to the ongoing healthcare crisis, we had to make the difficult decision to cancel Field Day this year for the safety of our members, island residents, and guests. 

    While this saddens us to have to cancel this wonderful family event, we're still selling HISCFA fund-raising raffle tickets with great prizes: 

    $750 First   |    $300 Second   |   YETI Cooler Third

    Winners will be announced at 
    Music in the Park, at Browne's Field
    Saturday September 12

    Tickets were mailed to members, but they are also being handed out at Jane’s Sans Souci Market. Please fill in the ticket stub and include them with your money in a sealed envelope. Jane’s SSM will also collect these sealed envelopes. Any remaining available tickets will be sold at the Music in the Park event (starts at 6:00 pm) with the drawing taking place at 7:00 pm. Good luck!

    We know that COVID-19 has impacted all of our lives in many ways, but the HISCFA is doing their best to continue to provide services to our Island community.

    Please accept our apologies that 2020's calendar of events and activities won’t include our normal programs, but we hope that members will continue to support the Harsen's Island St. Clair Flat Association until we can see each other face-to-face in 2021.

  • August 01, 2020 12:39 PM | Anonymous

    If you did not pick up your copy of The Delta News at the Trunk-to-Trunk Sale on Saturday, August 1st, your copy will be mailed to you by the end of August.

    We hope you enjoy this 75th Anniversary Edition! Our all-volunteer team put forth a lot of effort to make this year’s edition very special.

    Please consider any additional donation towards the printing of this publication or you can contribute by publishing an advertisement in next year's edition!

  • February 11, 2020 4:40 PM | Anonymous

    Please get involved!

    If you aren't affected by the high water situation in and around Harsen’s Island, you or someone you know will be at some point in the coming months.

    We're urging all HISCFA members to come together as a force and write to our elected officials who have the ability to influence the decision on Michigan House Bill 5401 (2020) and Michigan House Bill 5402 (2020).

    These bills were introduced by Representative Gary Eisen on January 23, 2020 and can be viewed at the links below.

    For your convenience, we've provided a template below of a letter that you can edit (or not) to meet your personal situation.  Photos of any damage by high water is also encouraged.  Below you'll also find the contact information for all the lawmakers.

    Thank you for taking action!

    Form Letter:  Letter-for-HB-5401-and-5402 1-2020.doc

    List of Contacts: Gov.-Contact-List 1-2020.doc

    Michigan Bills:

  • January 15, 2020 9:08 AM | Anonymous

    Dear Islanders,

    At the last meeting of the Harsen's Island Saint Clair Flats Association (HISCFA), a vote was taken to assist in the formation of a new board of directors for the Harsens Island Transportation Authority, HITA. To that end I am asking for your assistance in that effort.

    If you or someone you know would be interested in being a part of HITA, please email me at address shown below.

    The purpose of HITA is to effect a reliable, safe and affordable connection to the mainland. This is very important and your sincere consideration will be greatly appreciated.

    Respectfully requested,

    George Covalle
    President of HISCFA

  • December 12, 2019 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    The Harsen’s Island St. Clair Flats Association (HISCFA) participates in the Great Lakes Islands Alliance (GLIA).  One of the main focuses of GLIA as an organization is to get representatives from islands within the Great Lakes to discuss island-related topics, and this year a huge focus was high water. This topic affects our mainland waterfront neighbors as well.

    It is highly recommended that you read the article below from the International Joint Commission (IJC) and PLEASE COMPLETE THEIR QUESTIONNAIRE.

    There are many photos and examples of the types of information they are looking for, with their goal being to document and better understand the impacts associated with these high water levels. You can also share some of your own photos with them.

    “Information provided by shoreline properties owners is critical for ensuring that scientific and engineering tools used to evaluate regulation plans under a range of wet and dry conditions accurately reflect the high water impacts that have been experienced.”

    If You Experienced High Water Impacts in 2019, We Need to Hear from You!



    If you would like to see an overview of the type of information collected, please click the link below to see a fact sheet of similar information that was collected for 2017 by shoreline property owners on Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River:

    There are many links contained within these websites, so take some time to browse through the site and explore all the articles and links. 

    Making our voices heard is extremely important!

Featured Items

Harsen's Island Transportation Authority (HITA)

Contrary to popular belief, HISCFA is not part of HITA.  Our only involvement with HITA is to nominate three volunteers to the Clay Township Supervisor.  Nominees that are appointed to HITA by Clay Twp. have a 3-year term.  Please let the HISCFA President know if you're interested in being nominated to HITA.

Nomination to HITA


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